We believe that the school uniform plays a crucial role in making pupils feel part of the school. Our uniform is practical and helps pupils maintain their pride in the school.
All pupils from Nursery to Year 6 are expected to wear school uniform at all times.
Boys uniform: Black/Grey trousers or shorts, blue polo shirt and navy blue sweatshirt
Girls uniform: Black/Grey trousers or skirt (blue or grey tights), blue polo shirt and navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan (girls can also wear a blue and white gingham checked dress in the summer with white socks)
PE kit: Black shorts, white T-shirt with trainers or pumps
Shoes should be black and have a secure fastening. Girls are not permitted to wear heals.
Items do not need to be branded; generic items that follow the above rules are accepted.
Purchasing Uniform
All items of our school uniform can be purchased from local / chain stores. You can also purchase uniform direct from Vortex Clothing, Please see the link below:
As a school we are committed to reducing waste, to support this message of looking after our environment parents have access to pre-loved uniform that is donated, washed and available from the school office.
Jewellery and Hair
Jewellery should be kept to a minimum, for safety and security reasons.
Pierced ears should have small studs only. No other piercings are permitted.
Please avoid extreme hairstyles such as dying and shaved patterns. Hair that is shoulder length or longer must be tied back.
Smart watches are not permitted.
Nail varnish and artificial nails are not permitted.